Saturday 6 September 2008

The Book Stop Sweating and Start Living by Mike Ramsey Reviewed - Should You Get It?

With the hotter summer and rising global temperature, more and more people are experiencing some severe and excessive sweating issues. Excess sweating is absolutely one of the worst things that can lower your self esteem and social image. Excessive sweating causes your clothes to get wet easily and your body to smell bad. There is a book written on how to stop sweating naturally called "Stop Sweating and Start Living" by Mike Ramsey. This article will be an honest review of the book.
However, before anything else, it's essential and equally important for you to understand that sweating is a natural and normal thing. We sweat because our body feels it is necessary to lower its temperature. Most of the time, people who complain about how they have excess sweating are just having a normal rate of perspiration. They either can't take the body odor or their clothes getting wet by sweating.
In general the book, Stop Sweating and Start Living by Mike Ramsey is all about using natural methods to deal with excessive feet, body, back, face and head sweating. Based on what Mike Ramsey has said about his book, thousands of people have already put an end to their sweating problems by using the tips and strategies laid out in the book.
Do the methods in the book REALLY WORK?
The answer is yes! When I started to read the book, it sounded like it's too good to be true. It's a 3 step routine that one should apply everyday. Within the first week, I already felt a reduced rate of perspiration over my body. Nevertheless, it would take a lot of persistence before you see any significant improvement. As I went through the second month, I was so surprised that my body was sweating a lot less than I used to.
Stopping excessive sweating is easy if you just know what works and what works not. If I tell you that it is possible to stop sweating in just one month without spending any money on medical treatment and surgery, would you believe me? You better be, because I am a living proof that shows it is possible to stop sweating like a pig in less than 6 weeks.
Ooh, did I mention that the sweating condition I was having was among the most severe my doctor, father, mother, school teachers, the clerk in the office, and many other people had ever seen? I could easily fill a bottle of sweat after a short workout, and a run over a few blocks of building would make my clothes soaked.

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